COVER OF THE WEEK: Endlessly by Kiersten White

TITLE: EndlesslyAUTHOR: Kiersten WhitePublication Date: July 24, 2012

It’s been a while since I last wrote a review and it has been a crazy couple of months for me to update this blog. I won’t go any further than that. But it has been really crazy. You probably don’t want to hear all about me in this post so let’s move on. Anyways, I’m currently reading Kiersten White’s Supernaturally (2nd book of the Paranormalcy Series). I’m planning to review that book on a separate post. In view of that, here’s the 3rd installment of Kiersten White’s series entitled “Endlessly”.

First of all, I haven’t read the book yet and FYI it’s not yet released until the 24th of July this year (can’t wait!). But when I first took a glance at this cover, I just can’t help to be dumbly awed (I’m not exaggerating, I swear!). Endlessly’s front cover is simply captivating and that purple color is visually delicious. Evie (the heroine—I best she’s the girl on the cover!) looks gorgeous and perfect as to what I imagined her to be. Oh bleep, I can’t wait for the movie if there will be (crossed fingers)! Don’t imagine how I’m typing this review with crossed fingers.
That’s all folks! Hope you like this book cover as much as I do. I super love it and I can’t wait for the book to be officially released. J

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Currently Reading..

Currently Reading..
Supernaturally by Kiersten White